CLP News

Welcome to our News section, where you can find the latest news and updates from our law firm and the legal industry.

September 16, 2023

Our Founder, Jonathan Scott, has been added as a panelist on the Decrypting Modern Data Security session at the CISO Executive Security Conference – CISO XC 2023 – in Dallas on September 21st, 2023. For more details, go to:


August 1, 2023

Our Founder, Jonathan Scott, will be one of five panelists on the NIST AI Risk Management Framework session at the CISO Executive Security Conference – CISO XC 2023 – in Dallas on September 21st, 2023. For more details, go to: 

April 24, 2023

Breaking News: Read the Judge’s scathing sanctions order in Jonathan Scott’s recently concluded 3-year case against auto giant BMW. The judge calls BMW and its attorneys’ behavior “reprehensible.”

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